Fullington hanging in with the Packers, and Chandler Van Amen sets state deadlift record


By Terry Mosher

Editor, Sportspaper


John Fullington is currently listed as the third right guard for the Green Bay Packers.  What that means in the long run is he may make the practice squad for the the Packers this season.

Fullington starred at North Mason and played at Washington State. He is a non-drafted free agent.

Also, according to coach Glenn Wacthman’s posting on Facebook, Chandler Van Amen, a rising senior at South Kitsap, won the USAPL deadlift competition for his age group with a state record 501 pounds Sunday at Ali Beach in Seattle. Van Amen also qualified  for Nationals at Junior Olympics in the discus this summer, but didn’t go.  “He chose not to go because he wanted to take (in) the State Patrol academy in Shelton that ran at the same time,” said Wacthman.