Spy plane, crazy candidates and the EMP

Terry Mosher 3



I’m frustrated, angry, bitter and a few hundreds of other emotions that are – as Winston Churchill said in 1939 of Russia – a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.

So off to the Boneyard I go today to get rid of some of his unnecessary stuff that is causing me so much consternation.

It’s pretty obvious to me that we are living in a very dangerous era. Russia filed a request Monday to fly a spy plane over the United States as part of the Treaty on Open Skies that was ratified in 2002 allowing such things. This request would allow a Russian spy plane with advanced digital cameras to get a good peek at what we are doing militarily and otherwise.

This request comes at a time when relations with Russia have reached nearly Cold War portion and can only raise the anxiety level among our military and political leaders at a time when anxiety is already very high with what is going on in the Middle East.

I don’t trust Putin and his leadership and either should you or our government. So we will see how this plays out. Meanwhile, my emotions have taken another hit.

Even though I have been a sportswriter for nearly 50 years my first preference for a career would have been as a lawyer attached to the U.S. State Department. That was my last goal before college finally tossed me my degree and I hit the bricks looking for a real job.

I’m glad I didn’t become a lawyer – I wanted to be a constitutional lawyer, which is suddenly interesting considering the fight that is beginning over a replacement for Antonin Scalia – but I wish I had followed my dream to serve my country inside the government.

As you probably know, my degree from Western Washington was political science. I have always been interested in how government’s work and I enjoyed my time in poly science classes and discussing world affairs.

I don’t enjoy, however, what is going in politics now with the two major political parties in the U.S. showcasing their respective candidates for the presidency with primary campaigns. When I get to the point where I believe I know more and know better than any of the candidates on either side then it’s time for me to depart this Earth and get on with my spiritual life from the “other side.”

It’s just that I don’t know more or better that eats away at me it’s also that the people running are just so full of (bleep) and do so much lying that it’s not comfortable for me any more to watch the stupidity.

My belief – and I believe history will back me up on this – is that for every political action, left, right or centrist, our country has a reaction. To make this short: If we elect a president who is conservative it’s almost always true that we voters then swerve to the left with the next president.

We had a conservative in George W. Bush and we swerved left to elect Barack Obama. So now we are set to swerve back right again. That scares me.

But what really is scary, scary is there is a large segment of our population that ignores the consequence of their decision to swerve right, if that is what will happen, which I believe will.

If any one of the Republican candidates is elected, and I’ll confine that to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, disaster for the small guy will ensue. Gone will be health care for millions, walls will be elected to keep people out and, I suppose, keep us in. We will have a major ground war in the Middle East, and all of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants will be deported, and social security will be trashed.

That’s just for starters.

If Donald Trump becomes president, and I consider him more of a moderate, a centrist, it gets ever scarier. He is a dictator-in-waiting. He’s a trash-talking bully whose ego is bigger than this world, and he will crush anybody or anything that gets in his way.  If you hear a knock on your door late at night it’s because you said something or did something that Trump didn’t like and he has sent his enforcers to take care of it.

Donald Trump is dangerous. Extremely dangerous. He wanted the “Manhattan Five” – five juveniles, four black and one Hispanic – that were convicted of rape and other crimes associated with it in 1990 to be executed. He took out full page ads demanding they be put to death.

Then years later (2002) when somebody else confessed to the rape and the five were released, Trump felt no remorse and didn’t take back what he had said, instead attacking the city of New York for settling a suit brought against it by the five.

Trump is not somebody you want not just as president, but as somebody that is living near you. You don’t know to what extreme he will go if you cross his path, but it won’t be good.

Then you have on the Democratic side two people who should never or could never be president. Hillary Clinton is a politician’s politician. She is so used to saying thinks that fit the situation that I don’t believe she knows what reality is. She is so phony that is she is like a three-dollar bill. You shouldn’t believe anything she says she will do for you. She will do what she is told and paid to do by Big Money.

I so want a woman to be president, but it’s not Hillary. I would take Elizabeth Warren in a heartbeat. She would be – as the Donald would say – great, simply amazing.

Sadly, for me, Bernie Sanders cannot win the presidency. He is too far left. He has good ideas I agree with and is very passionate about what he wants to do. But he’s too old too late. His leftish ideas do not fit in a time that we are bending right.

Sanders is fighting hard to bring the young and other citizens who traditionally do not vote to the ballot box, but they are not listening in any great numbers, numbers big enough for him to get over the hump and challenge Clinton.

So what do we do?

I pray a lot. Maybe the Russian spy plane will be carrying an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) bomb that will destroy our country’s electrical system and send us back to the Stone Age and solve all my concerns about this presidential election.

. Such weapons already exist and both Russia and the U.S. tested such a weapon in 1962 (Our country’s first EMP test was called Starfish Prime and caused electrical problems almost a 1,000 miles away in Hawaii) and the fear now is that North Kitsap or some rogue organization will drop one on us.

My anxiety just want up again thinking about the EMP. I think I need to get out of here and find some comfort and peace under my bed covers. Later.

Be well pal.

Be careful out there.

Have a great day.

You are loved.