Cruz was right to rebuff the Huckster; if you don’t have the courage to stand up, what do you have?

Terry Mosher 3


I don’t like Ted Cruz. He’s a far right Tea Party extremist who is out of touch with real life. I don’t know how he got elected, but they sometimes do funny things in Texas politics. Although, he isn’t funny.

But, I agree with Cruz when he refuses to endorse the Huckster because the Huckster attacked his dad and him and his wife personally. It’s one thing to be a lying politician and almost all politicians, maybe all of them, do a lot of lying or avoidance of the truth, but when you make it personal that person who has been attacked has the right and hopefully the courage to refuse as Cruz now says to not “come like a servile puppy dog and say, ‘thank you very much for maligning my wife and maligning my father.’ ”

Cruz could have added to that sentence “like Chris Christie”, who has come like a servile puppy dog to the Huckster’s side and now is a political joke in his home state of New Jersey. Christie’s approval rating in New Jersey where he is a two-term governor is at 26 percent among registered voters.

What I can’t fathom is why the Huckster allowed Cruz to speak at the Republican Convention when he reportedly told the Huckster he would not endorse him. And I read a story that the Huckster even had read Cruz’s prepared speech hours in advance.

That was a dumb move on the Huckster’s part. But, then again, the Huckster is not a very smart man. He knows how to bilk people out of their money and how to use the laws to steal money through bankruptcy, but the first time he reads a book probably will be the first time.

The Huckster also worked hard to lure Ohio governor John Kasich, who ran against him in the presidential primaries, to the convention that is being held in Cleveland by asking him not only to be his vice president, but the “most powerful vice president in history.” Kasich turned the Huckster down and now the Huckster and his aides say that is all false, they didn’t offer him the position and that Kasich is, “just a sore loser.”

It’s interesting, and probably historical, that the state’s governor that is of the same political party is not attending that party’s convention even though it is in his state. Maybe it’s because this convention of Republicans is not so much a Republican Convention but a Hate Hillary Convention.

The present primary-delegate convention process, by the way, started to cement itself after the 1968 Democratic National Convention where Hubert Humphrey became the presidential nominee even though he never won a state primary. Chaos prevailed in that convention because of what was happening and from that point on both parties began the process that we see now in electing delegates to the convention, eliminating most of the chaos.


There was a “Dump Trump” effort this year in the Republican Convention, but the Huckster forces gained control and easily defeated the reengages and the Huckster was nominated.

Anyway, I’m proud that Cruz stood up to the bombastic bully and even if that ends his future presidential ambitions within the party, he did, in my opinion, the right thing. It’s probably the only right thing I can fix to the Cruz name, but at least he gets that.

As for America, it becomes the loser in all of this if the Huckster manages to con his way to the White House, which I would imagine the first thing he would do is rename it the Trump White House.

I don’t believe the Huckster ever believed he would win the republican nomination and actually have a real chance of being president. I think, as others do, that he did this to make money and to build upon the Trump brand. But a funny thing happened on the way to the forum, the path to the White House was cleared fairly easily of presidential pretenders who had no clue what hit them when the Huckster bullied and insulted and belittled them, including one named Cruz who he belittled by calling him “Lying Ted” and, bingo, there he was.

One of the Huckster’s money-scheme ambitions has always been to win markets in Russia and an evil guy named Putin has made it known he’s welcomed there as a sort of quid pro quo (you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours). From what I have read, Putin wants in return for NATIO and the United States to back off and allow his expansion plans in eastern Europe to proceed without any further hindrance.

If you have noted, as I have, the Huckster has vowed to cut back the United States expenditures to NATO because he thinks we share too  much of the burden, and also has added in recent days that the U.S. can respond military to crises around the world better if it’s done from bases here rather than there.

In other words, to make this short, he would weaken NATO at a time when it’s needed more than ever to confront Russia’s military expansion on the eastern front.

As you probably know, the Huckster’s campaign manager is Paul Manafort, who has a political relationship with Putin. And it’s not surprising to me that it was discovered that Russian hackers had broken into the Clinton campaign files that held research on the Huckster. My guess is that Putin wanted to know what the Clinton campaign was intending to do in attacking the Huckster so he could warn the Huckster campaign what was coming and they could be prepared. Sort of a scratch my back effort that causes for a scratch my back in return.

So there you have it. The promise of America being sold down the river so a guy with no moral principles can make money, money, money, which is what the Huckster, the biggest narcissus and the biggest con man in the world, wants.

The Huckster is not smart enough to know that Putin is playing him like a fine-tuned fiddle. The danger to American couldn’t be greater then it is now. Our way of life hangs in the balance, held there by a man who knows no boundaries.  Everything is, he believes, his for the taking. He’s a winner.

And you are the loser.

On that sad note, I wish I could fly away like the blue jay that just landed on our shed.  If I could fly, I would go to Tahiti, sit on the beach with cool blue water lapping up against my toes while I sip a mai tai and smoke a big cigar.

Unfortunately, the farthest I can get is Gorst, and I don’t drink or smoke. So I’m stuck here to pine my time away and hope the black cloud that is the Huckster doesn’t fly overhead like the blue jay.

Be well pal.

Be careful out here.

Have a great day.

You are loved.