Trump has figured out how to get supporters

It strikes me, as it probably does you, how such a bad man as Donald Trump can collect millions of supporters.

 I mean Trump is not just bad, bad, but dangerously so. Toss aside for a few moments that he has been on the other side of the law for much of his 78 years. He’s what is called a career criminal. Those who get that label usually wind up behind bars. Not Trump, he has escaped accountability time after time by using the courts against themselves.

He’s not a quitter. He learned from the Mafia’s top lawyer, Roy Cohen, to never admit quilt and always fight back – double down.

 I don’t know if Cohen taught him to lie. It is something he may have taught himself, to fend off feeling bad or bruising his large ego. But he lies all the time, probably as a defensive mechanism.

 Trump figured out on his own to run as a Republican, although he had been a life-long Democrat, because Republican votes, he said, were dumb.

 Yes, he said that. They may not be dumb, just uniformed because Trump figured out that in the very rural areas of America access to the Internet is limited if not non-existent.

 So that is where he would conduct his rallies, among the population that knew little about the outside world, and could be conned by a, let’s say, a snake oil salesman.

 Bottom line he targets these folks, hard-working Americans with little education and no connection, or little connection, to the outside world. So, Trump could tell them anything and they would take it as gospel.

 This is the reason Republicans want to do away with the education department. They want to dumb down people so they can convince them how to vote.

 The MAGA slogan should be changed to MADA­- make America dumb again. It’s working. Trump has millions of supporters that eagerly await his latest words. Some view him as a gift from God.

 The problem for the majority of Americans is that they have seen right through Trump’s BS and have developed a hatred of him. When Trump holds court like he did the other day, and tells a bushel basket of lies, millions just shake their heads and wonder how this guy got to be so powerful in our political body.

It was astonishing, and frightful, that veteran reporters sitting in their seats and listening to him where scared to challenge Trump for his hour-long of lying. Not one of them rose to the occasion. Silence, they say, dooms democracy.

 So, this is where we are. Letting a guy who has no redeeming qualities, and a history of criminality, including trying to overthrow the             government in a coup, go on and on without holding him accountable for his lies.

 Trump should never be allowed to run for the job he tried to keep by force. He should be in prison.