Project 2025 is designed to create a dictatorship

We are under attack from within by white Christian Nationalist not just to remodel parts of us but to make a complete overhaul of our government.

Under the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, which bottom line is a guide to a dictatorship, which the foundation hopes is Donald Trump, the rights and freedoms we so cherish will be gone.

 There are so many things about Project 2025 that is chillingly horrible for American citizens and life in general, but the tax revamp it emphasizes is a receipt for a large tax burden on the middle class and poor and large tax relief for the wealthy.

It also eliminates the Education Department and gives states and local governments the power to decide civil rights, and what can and cannot be taught without any limit them.

I could go on and on about this, but I have developed nightmares just thinking about it. It talks, for example, about the nuclear family that includes a man, a woman and their children. Nothing else is allowed. It doesn’t say what will happen to same sex marriages, transgenders, and gays, but they aren’t going to have happy endings.

 Authority in the Federal Government is completely in the hands of the President. There are no independent branches. All of them are controlled by the President, including civil servants, all of whom have to be loyal to the President to be employed.

 There will be a roundup of migrants – an estimate is 11 million – and deported.

 It doesn’t talk about the Constitution, but I assume it will be tossed in the trash. Why have a constitution when you are going to do what you please?

 Trump has said he knows nothing about Project 2025, He is lying, once again. He is the centerpiece of it.