We have free will to use our love to blot out Trump’s hate


TOP OF THE TOWN – St Thomas Aquinas argues we have free will. God does not knowledge it’s free. We have will, yes, but to be free would have to counter God’s all-power. Whether it’s free or not, I’m not going to argue. We do have the will. We can do what we want within the rules of law that have been established by humans. I will use the term free will because it has been established. St. Thomas established free will in the late 1200s. Free will is connected to spirituality. Our human body is just that – a human element in the bigger picture that is less important than you might think. When we die, our body returns to dust, but we live on. That is because our body is inhibited by a soul, which is our true self. The soul is the reason when confronted with a choice, we almost always mention our first choice is our unconsciousness and the second choice is what our mind is telling us based on our human history.  Our unconsciousness is our soul and is the one we should listen to. Unfortunately, we seldom do. When born we come with a spiritual path that has been established for us by God. That path is meant to get us closer to perfection, and when we do we melt into God. It is difficult to reach perfection. We don’t have to be perfect to reach perfection. It’s the ability to follow your spiritual and overcome obstacles placed in your path that are meaningful. The key, though, is to go through life with love. You have to love yourself, God and all others, no matter what. It isn’t easy to complete successfully your spiritual path. Circumstances in life, along with free will, can divert you. I was off my path for nearly 50 years. When our granddaughter was killed it was a huge obstacle to overcome. It jolted me back on my path, but still took a year to move forward. With God’s help, I have managed it. The question I ask of God every night is why You are allowing what is happening in our politics to take place? He is all-powerful and there have been instances when the impossible becomes the possible because of His intervention. A woman lifting a car off a man, for example. God did not intervene from our Granddaughter from being run by a truck. There is a reason for that. A year’s research on that came after she talked to me hours after she was killed. What she told me has meaning to this day. Junior, as I called her, was 3.5 years old when she died. But she really didn’t die. Her body died, her soul didn’t. Our souls never die. They are essential to us. Her soul reached out to me and said these important words: “Don’t worry about me, I walk with the Grace of God.

Through research I concluded Junior was an Angel. She came to us to help turn our family around. Mission accomplished. Angels do exist and they walk among us. My mother died in 1953, and Angels visited her in the hospital to escort her back “home.” She protested. She wanted to say goodbye to her kids, and would they allow her another night? They did. My oldest brother missed saying goodbye. He was in Okinawa with a squadron of Air Force B-2 bombers that flew missions over the Korean Peninsula during the Korean Conflict. The rest of us had that visit with our mother. I had to be pushed in. I was scared. My mother died that night after our visit. I pray every night to intervene and rid us of Donald Trump. He has been evil and crooked all his life and is determined to win the 2024 election my any means. He has with allies rigged election systems in key states, and if he loses the vote the county will throw the election into chaos. If you know anything about Project 2025 and Agenda 47, you understand electing Trump brings to its knees our country. Trump has supporters who believe he is a gift from God. I have argued with few of them that Trump is a gift from Satan. He definitely does not give a rat’s ass about the United States, except to gain control of it and turn into a dictatorship stripped of freedoms. He’s a hater, not a lover. The country will be turned back 100 years, and women will be kicked down to second-class citizens. Now you know why I fervently pray every night to God to save us from this devil’s work.

 Be well pal.

 Be careful out there.We

Have a great day.

 You are loved.