Trump will burn the house down if he loses

All I hear on cable news is “it’s going to be a tight race.” I can’t disagree. Yes, the Democratic National Convention was a love fest, but as somebody said in so many words, which does not guarantee anything.

 I disagree in one sense: It shouldn’t be close. You have a convicted felon running in this election and that alone should not only disqualify him but be an extremely long shot to win.

 But here we are, just over two months before the presidential election and a lifelong criminal, Donald Trump, is in a virtual tie with the Democrat, Kamala Harris.

 When was the last time you saw a die-hard criminal have a real chance to regain the White House?

 I’m disgusted with my fellow Americans who are mesmerized by this guy. What the bleep are they thinking? They can’t be thinking at all. They need some critical thinking skills.

  Okay, this is where we are at. How do we defeat this criminal? It won’t be easy. If he loses the vote, he will not accept it, and who knows what he will try next. He already tried a coup. That failed. He will try something, and it won’t be legal, and it won’t be fun for the rest of us.

 Here is the facts of the race for the 270 electoral college votes needed to win. In looking at the electoral college map, I have come up with 205 votes for Harris. That is not guaranteed, although it’s as close to it as I can get.

 There are several ways Harris can win and send this criminal to prison (he has several charges pending. If he wins, they go away. If he loses, he must face the music.)

 She needs 65 more votes to win. She can get them by winning Pennsylvania (19 votes), Michigan (15), Virgina (13), Wisconsin (10) and Arizona (11).

Current polls show Harris leading in Pennsylvania 49-47, Michigan 48-46, Virginia 47-44, Wisconsin 49-44 and Arizona 46-45.

 The monkey wrench in all of this is if the criminal loses, he will do everything to overturn the results. His niece Mary Trump has said for several years her uncle will not quit. He will burn the house down before he quits.

 I expect the same. Trump cares less about this country, it’s people or it’s laws and constitution. He has plans (Project 2025) to install and to rule over us with an iron fist. It won’t be easy to stop him. We must though or lose everything to a madman.