Trump will win this debate no matter what happens

I cannot pretend to be a great debater – It took me five tries and some liquid aid to pass speech in college -but I have figured out Tuesday’s debate between the villain, Donald Trump, and the great hope to save democracy, Kamala Harris.

 It’s a no-win situation for Harris because no matter how Trump does, he will frame it as a win to his brain-washed supporters.

 So, Harris may score valuable points, but this debate isn’t that important to Trump, who through blatant lies, misinformation and bully tactics has a firm grip on 40 percent of eligible voters and through illegal means, including placing loyalists in voting systems in key battleground states, has enough ammunition to win the November election without winning the 270 electoral college votes needed to win.

 By rigging the election, Trump will create chaos, uncertainly who is the winner and leave the final decision to the crooked Supreme Court majority that will vote for him no matter what, or the House in Congress where Republicans also have the majority.

 Look at this, this way. If the election was a basketball game and you have paid off the referees to make decisions in your favor, you probably are going to win.

 What panelists and hosts on liberal cable news shows fail to recognize is Trump never plays within decent bounds of legality. He is not bound by laws, tradition or history. He is a raging bull loose in your living room. Nothing is sacred or safe.

 He will do damn well what he pleases and tell his supporters repeatedly he is the victim and will stand up to the crooked Democrats to protect them.

  It is not important to understand how he can do that and how his supporters keep voting for him. There is no critical thinking going on with them. They believe everything he says and does. End of story.

 Trump is not a member of the human race that we are in. He is a different cat. You think he should stop at the stop sign, which is your problem. The sign means nothing to him. Anything that is important to you so you can live comfortably in this world is not even in Trump’s thinking. Not even in his world. He’s in a world of his own making and no debate no matter how stupid he may look, will stop him from being the winner when the final whistle is blown.

 The only way we can beat this madman is by capturing him, putting cuffs on him, putting him behind bars and throwing away the key.

 To do that may mean violent clashes with militia that he has assembled on his side. Trump’s niece Mary Trump has been saying for years he will burn down the house before he will quit. I see the same thing. Buckle up, this will get destructive.